Jenny Grainger – In Memory

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We have been collecting donations for children’s hospitals for eleven years now. Lots of our supporters are people that come back to us year after year. You get used to seeing certain names. Jenny and her family are one of those families that have supported us from almost the start.

Jenny’s daughter is one of our volunteers and Jenny’s nine-year-old Granddaughter was one of our young volunteers that helped us bag up over 4000 pairs of pyjamas at one of our venues last year.

jenny grainger

We can always count on them to add bags of pyjamas to every collection. So it is with the heaviest heart that we post that Jenny, the amazing head of her family, sadly passed away on May 5th. The family decided that Jenny would prefer money that would have been spent on flowers go to a charity that she actually supported. Receiving this news made me cry. It feels very special knowing that something so lovely has come from a truly awful situation and that the family thought of us. I feel even more blessed having met Jenny and working so closely with her family on our appeals.

Today Jenny has her final journey and it was important for me to share this with you all. I hope today goes as well as it possibly can. So many more children can be supported with the money raised in Jenny’s name and we promise to figure out a way to let them know where their pyjamas came from. Sending love, support and the biggest ((hugs)) to the family. Thank you for thinking of Children’s Hospital Pyjamas.