Make Hearts For Us
Do you enjoy sewing, knitting or crocheting?
In 2021, we decided that every pair of our pyjamas, given to children aged 14 and under, would have a pair of hand-made hearts included with them. During COVID, this gave children and their families a way to stay connected as one heart stayed with the child in hospital and one heart went home with a loved one.
Since then, the hearts have proved so popular that our volunteers have helped with the mammoth task of making more than 20,000 pairs of hearts every year! The team has highlighted how this has improved their wellbeing and created a sense of belonging. For us, without this team, our donations would not be complete, so we are very thankful they continue to choose to work alongside us, creating smiles for thousands of children across the UK.
The feedback we have received about these hearts has been phenomenal and we cannot now imagine donating pyjamas without them.
If you would like to be part of our team, please join our ‘From Me to You Hearts’ Facebook group or email us at and we’ll provide templates and help to get you started – Thank you.
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